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  • Weekly Coaching Calls to help you plan and execute your unique fitness journey, monitor your progress and adjust the course when necessary.
  • Extensive Library of Courses, E-Books, Workshops to help you achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.
  • A vibrant community of like minded individuals supporting each other in a laid back and non judgmental environment.
  • A safe space away from social media.

The TOTT e-Lounge

Who is the TOTT e-Lounge for?

This is the place where you can become part of a growing community and benefit from the collective fitness wisdom.

The e-Lounge from Too Old To Tumble is for you if:

  • you've reached midlife and you want to understand what's happening to your body;
  • you get that taking care of your health and fitness doesn't have a start and end date, but it's a life-long project;
  • you completed one of my premium programs or challenges and you want ongoing support;
  • you are committed to your own success (you don't need me to "push you");
  • you are an action taker;
  • you have a great sense of humour, are kind and supportive.

When you become a member you'll have access to a wealth of content including courses, challenges, mini-workshops, e-books, cheat sheets, communication channels to give you all the tools you need to create your perfect healthy lifestyle.

But most importantly, we'll get together weekly for a coaching call so I can fully support you on your journey and make this a collaborative effort based on your wants and needs.

My vision is for members of the TOTT e-Lounge to have a place

where they feel safe sharing their weight loss and fitness journey

with others on a similar path.

It's so important to be able to talk freely to other people about

your struggles so you know you are not alone, because we all

feel fat, ugly and worthless from time to time. You're definitely

not alone!

And whereas other people may not feel like you do today,

they'll remember when they did and remind you that YOU

have the power to decide to change your situation.

Let's make this the place where all the negativity surrounding

your ideas about your health, looks, self esteem, is blown

out of the window once and for all.

Let's also make this the place where we can collectively

reinvent our midlife, declare who we want to be and live

the rest of our life fearlessly, without limitations!

  • you want to work on your health and fitness at a leisurely pace instead of having to make the most of a fixed term program;
  • you want guidance and support with your fitness journey to stop the middle age spread without the big financial commitment of a premium program;
  • you want to connect with others who are on a similar journey as you (btw, those who are the most engaged with others tend to get the biggest results);
  • you want to learn from me because you resonate with how I do it.

How is this different?

Did you know that only approx. 1% of Fitness Coaches have undergone training that focuses specifically on the female metabolism?

Most research is based on young, privileged, Western, most likely white, male athletes.

How's that good for women who've reached their midlife?

Let me help you answer that... it isn't.

As soon as the peri-menopause kicks in, you have to change your approach to weight management and fitness completely if you want to preserve your health as well as your figure.

That's why most fitness programs fail to give you the results you want in a way that's sustainable and easy to follow.

Luckily for you, I belong to that very small club of 1 percenters!

Why join now?

Although I officially launched the e-Lounge in October 2021 with a handful of Founding Members, it's still in its infancy.

We've covered some ground since then, but there's still a lot to be done!

As a Member you get to benefit from our work so far plus you'll still get the chance to help me shape the e-Lounge into what you want it to be so it becomes your "secret" safe place online away from social media.

A place where you can celebrate your wins as well as sharing your concerns when life doesn't go according to plan.

And, of course, take care of your health and fitness in a way that works with your aging metabolism, not against it.

In fact, you'll be able to slow down ageing so much that people will wonder if you're a vampire! ♂️


Strong Point

Willis Avenue, Mineola, NY






sq m

John Smith

John Smith




Willis Avenue, Mineola, NY

Strong Point

sq m




John Smith



Willis Avenue, Mineola, NY

Strong Point


sq m




As a member of the TOTT e-Lounge you'll be able to get access to all of the above for a low monthly fee AND be able to have a say on how the e-Lounge shapes up now and in the future to make sure it fulfills its purpose.

I have a vision, but it needs to fit in with yours to be truly of service.

All I am asking for is a min. 6 months commitment and, of course, you'll get to keep the low price for as long as you remain a member and/or the website exists.

If you think 6 months is a long time to be committed to a fitness community, remember that your health and fitness are projects that go on for a lifetime. As your body and metabolism change as you age, you need to be able to react and take corrective action sooner rather than later to ensure no long term damage to your health occurs.

That's why I want the e-Lounge to become your go-to place whenever you have questions about your mindset, your body or your metabolism.

Together we can make midlife the best time of our lives!

Oh, I nearly forgot... as a Member you'll also have access to my affiliate program at a generous rate of commission as a thank you for trusting me. If you refer new members to me, you'll get paid the commission for as long as they stay and you might even be able to get a little bit of passive income from me!

Why become a Member?

A little bit about me

It's all about learning how to reclaim control of your body, stop the middle age spread and feel ageless again. I love to make my clients feel inspired to reinvent themselves, ditch conventions and live fearlessly without limitations. With class, grace and a touch of irreverence, of course.

I have been an athlete all my life. I have been a gymnast, jazz dance performer, choreographer and pole fitness student & teacher. I also studied different styles of martial arts over a 38 year span and I was blessed to have had the opportunity to train with world champions all over the world.

As well as having learned how to work with the female metabolism, I have a strong background in psychology and holistic therapies. This allows me to help my clients discover their winning mindset and be inspired to transform into the healthiest, happiest and most fabulous versions of themselves.

What members have said so far...

As you can see we are celebrating non-scale victories... becoming aware of where we're stuck is always the first step towards long lasting change.

When was the last time you did something for yourself?

Ready to start over for the last time?

Sign up here and join the TOTT e-Lounge Fitness Community now!